Thursday, December 3, 2009

Country Crossing as of 12-3

We have finally had a good break in the weather so I took this opportunity to get out and take a bunch of pictures of all of the venues. While you may notice in some of the pictures there are a few areas of landscaping that need a little bit of polish but all and all the crew did an amazing job of meeting the Dec. 1st dead line. Every staff member that I have spoken to is very up beat and excited to be a part of Country Crossing. The teams are already getting into rhythm and the first few days have gone remarkably smoothly.

The whole facility especially the Bingo Pavilion has been quite busy. Each night the parking lots have filled up and the whole place is a buzz. There has already even been a $10,000 Bingo winner!

If you were not in the Worley Bird Saloon on Tuesday night you missed a very special treat. Grammy Award nominee Jamey Johnson got up on stage and played a number of song for a very appreciative crowd. That is what is truly great about Country Crossing you never know who you could be sitting next to at one of the restaurant or who is going to happen to take the stage.

John Anderson's Cafeteria is already getting a reputation for great food and friendly service. When I walked in on Tuesday and saw Mr. Anderson he was beaming as he was shaking hands and enjoying his new restaurant.

Lorrie Morgan's Hot Chicken is most definitely some of the hottest chicken in the south. But don't worry, for those of us with more sensitive taste-buds the chicken comes in 4 different intensities including mild.

The Possum Holler Bed & Breakfast has already had a number of guests including many of the stars that were at the opening. I have to say that it is breath-taking all decorated up for Christmas. When I stopped by the other night, there was a women and her 78 year old mother celebrating her Birthday by relaxing by the fire and enjoying a stay at the Bed & Breakfast. They where so happy to be there and really enjoying the luxury that is Possum Holler. Feel free to stop in and say "hi" to the staff and look at all of the wonderful pictures and memorabilia from George Jones.

Bluegrass Hollow RV park has even had its first guest. The setting back there is very relaxing and all of the finishing touches are being made to get ready for what is expected to be a very busy weekend next week. The booking system is expected to go live very shortly.

Country Crossing is OPEN!

The media event to open the doors of Country Crossing was star studded. Ronnie Gilley was surrounded by friends, family, investors and some of Country's musics biggest stars. Even Ronnie's 78 year young mother made it out for this big event and there were more then a few moist eyes in the crowd Ronnie expressed his love and gratitude to his mother and the team that has stood strong behind him over the last couple of years. Other highlights include Randy Owen and all of the other music stars singing "My Home's in Alabama." It was concluded with a very nice prayer and blessing on the future of Country Crossing as Ronnie dedicated this project to the good of the Lord.

Once again, thank you for dreaming big and including Houston county in those dreams Ronnie.

Once the doors were open the public quickly filled the Bingo Pavilion. While the preparations may have gone down to the last minute the reviews of the facility and staff have been terrific.