Saturday, May 30, 2009

Country Crossing gets NATIONAL attention!

BamaJam in the Big Apple!

Ronnie Gilley, Gorge Jones, and Lorrie Morgan spent the first part of the week up in New York promoting the 'We Are Enterprise' CD, BamaJam and Country Crossing. The did a fantastic job getting our little neck of the woods in the national spot light!

Here is the link to the interview:

They also spent an hour having a live interview online on the Fox Business Channel. Again they did a great job getting the word out at a national level.

Nothing can stop progress at Country Crossing!

Even with Mother Nature trying her hardest, progress still is going forward at the Country Crossing site. As anyone who tried to do ANYTHING outside over the Memorial Day holiday knows, we had more than our fare share of rain. While it may have bogged down progress for a couple of days I was VERY pleased to see marked progress on the site.

Up at the Bingo pavilion they are making steady progress on the pier points. They ground is dried out again, and looking very solid. The points that have been poured have a little water on them but the new holes are dry and the cement is getting poured day and night. If anyone saw the Fox interview with Ronnie Gilley, George Jones, and Lorrie Morgan, it was great to hear Lorrie talk about her Hot Chicken diner that will be going in at this building.

While the site up on the hill might not look very different from the perspective of the casual observer. Down at Possum Holler things are moving right along. The first floor has been sheeted and wrapped, both stairwells are in, the 2nd story floor joist have been rolled and sheeted, and walls are going up on the second floor. Wow! Even with all of the rain that is A LOT of work accomplished in a couple of days! The picture that looks like it was taken inside, is one of the guest suites. These rooms are going to be very spacious and the will have an amazing view of the green belt that is right behind Possum Holler.

While I was on site I was also shown where they are preparing the ground for the resort hotel, out parcel buildings, amphitheater, and other support building. There is so many different projects going on at the site that it is really hard to keep up with them all.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


The PR trailer will be accepting applications for jobs starting June 1st. They will be accepting for all future position but the are specifically looking to fill construction positions.

Progress 5-21-09

Construction is going fast and furious out at the site. I was amazed to see the progress from Tuesday to Thursday. When I was there on Tuesday the bed and breakfast was just a slab. When I came out at 10am on Thursday most of the 1st floor walls were done and when I came back at 3:30 ALL of the first floor walls were up and braced off. They will be rolling floor joist and sheeting the walls in the next day or two and when I make it back on Tuesday of next week I fully expect to see a second story. I have some neat things planned for pictures. I have marked a number of specific spots around the different sites so I can take the same picture every time. I am planning on putting it into sort of a time lapse slide show so we can watch the place being build before our eyes.

Up at the bingo pavilion the pier points are being poured day and night. They are over half way done with the 150+ points. This takes a little time to dig, lay rebar, and fill each one with concrete. We are already talking about the upcoming slab pour. They are planning doing the pours during the middle of the night. (Those are going to be VERY LONG nights) The plan is to do it in two or three sections. There is going to be a string of cement trucks traveling to the site on those nights. It will be very exciting.

We made the news a bunch this week. It seems that everyone is beginning to catch the Country Crossing bug. Please keep spreading the word about this blog and stay tuned for more excitement!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bingo Pavilion 5-19

As I said before. This is a HUGE building. I was told that it is 421 ft. long. This will house the Bingo hall and 3 restaurants. Today they are scheduled to pour 16, of the 186 total, pier points. As you can see the light are up and they are going at it 24/7. They are expecting to have this building complete and ready to open within 6 months.

Possum Holler Progress 5-19

The slab was finished at 12:30 this morning by a local concrete company out of Abbeville. They are making the green cuts this morning and the framing crew will be out TODAY after lunch to snap lines and start getting the green plate down. The framing is scheduled to take 3 weeks to complete.

Here is a picture of the Elevations of the Possum Holler Bed and Breakfast:

Some samples of the decor for the interior:

When you are standing on the slab at the Possum Holler Bed and Breakfast, and you turn and look back in the direction of the highway, you see a BUNCH of heavy equipment moving dirt at a break neck pace. This is where the R.V. park will be located. I was told by Joey that all of the dirt that they move from this area in the back is being moved up to level out the front of the property. He said that there will be virtually no waste and was very impressed with the engineer and his planning in regards to moving the dirt around.

Country Crossing Jobs and Information

The H.R. trailer is being set up today at the north enterance to the Country Crossing site. I was told it will be staffed starting on Thursday 5/21. Anyone who would like to apply for a job or would like more information is encouraged to stop by. If you turn in a general application they will be kept on file. If you later see that there is a specific job opening that is posted, you will need to reapply for that specific job posting.

They are currently taking bids for the Bingo complex for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing. Please ask for Joey. There are plans on site to reference. Be prepared that they are expecting to work 24/7.

It is happening FAST. The portions of Country Crossing that are under construction will be ready to open within 6 months!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Possum Holler Slab gets poured

Here is the pictures from today May 18th. The crew spent the day out pouring the slab. Now the REAL fun begins. Thanks to Chris for taking and posting this set of pictures.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Picture's from 5/13/09

The crew has been given the GREEN Light and this week the foreman has had his hands full with setting up the subs to go 24/7. It has made the logistics a little more complexed.

The bingo building is getting strung out and prepped to put the foundation in. Earlier this week there was a little extra work that was needed on the pad but that has been taken care of and the foundation is moving forward. These pictures really do not do it justice but that building is going to be HUGE.

Possum Holler

The rough in plumbing and electrical is in and the dirt has been graded. We are ready to pour the foundation and then we will see some real action. The lights are going to be brought in so that the framing, and other crews, can get to work day and night. Talking to these subs they are really excited to be a part of this project, and in many cases, to be able to get back to work. As some of you may know the construction industry has taking a big hit over the last year and some of these guys have not worked for 2 months.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ronnie Gilley Gives the project the GREEN LIGHT!

As quoted on Wiregrasslive.
"....we're green light all the way with respect to CC. If you have doubts.....take a trip out to the site over the next couple weeks and we'll put them to rest..... As I've said before....we'll bring this project to fruition because we ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO QUIT! I will continue to hope and PRAY that the profound majority of Houston County citizens will continue to express their support for this great project. I promise over the next few weeks, you will all see a dramatic pick up in pace with respect to construction activities at Country Crossing."
Ronnie Gilley

He has stated that full time employees on the site will jump from 13 to over 150 in the up coming weeks and has asked that lights be put up on the site so that work can go forward 24/7.

Safety is a big concern throught the construction process and we do not want to slow down progress with hoards of people coming on to the job site. Through this blog we will keep everyone that is interested in this project up to date with pictures, videos. time lines, and interviews.