Saturday, May 30, 2009

Nothing can stop progress at Country Crossing!

Even with Mother Nature trying her hardest, progress still is going forward at the Country Crossing site. As anyone who tried to do ANYTHING outside over the Memorial Day holiday knows, we had more than our fare share of rain. While it may have bogged down progress for a couple of days I was VERY pleased to see marked progress on the site.

Up at the Bingo pavilion they are making steady progress on the pier points. They ground is dried out again, and looking very solid. The points that have been poured have a little water on them but the new holes are dry and the cement is getting poured day and night. If anyone saw the Fox interview with Ronnie Gilley, George Jones, and Lorrie Morgan, it was great to hear Lorrie talk about her Hot Chicken diner that will be going in at this building.

While the site up on the hill might not look very different from the perspective of the casual observer. Down at Possum Holler things are moving right along. The first floor has been sheeted and wrapped, both stairwells are in, the 2nd story floor joist have been rolled and sheeted, and walls are going up on the second floor. Wow! Even with all of the rain that is A LOT of work accomplished in a couple of days! The picture that looks like it was taken inside, is one of the guest suites. These rooms are going to be very spacious and the will have an amazing view of the green belt that is right behind Possum Holler.

While I was on site I was also shown where they are preparing the ground for the resort hotel, out parcel buildings, amphitheater, and other support building. There is so many different projects going on at the site that it is really hard to keep up with them all.

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