Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Possum Holler Progress 5-19

The slab was finished at 12:30 this morning by a local concrete company out of Abbeville. They are making the green cuts this morning and the framing crew will be out TODAY after lunch to snap lines and start getting the green plate down. The framing is scheduled to take 3 weeks to complete.

Here is a picture of the Elevations of the Possum Holler Bed and Breakfast:

Some samples of the decor for the interior:

When you are standing on the slab at the Possum Holler Bed and Breakfast, and you turn and look back in the direction of the highway, you see a BUNCH of heavy equipment moving dirt at a break neck pace. This is where the R.V. park will be located. I was told by Joey that all of the dirt that they move from this area in the back is being moved up to level out the front of the property. He said that there will be virtually no waste and was very impressed with the engineer and his planning in regards to moving the dirt around.

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