Saturday, May 23, 2009

Progress 5-21-09

Construction is going fast and furious out at the site. I was amazed to see the progress from Tuesday to Thursday. When I was there on Tuesday the bed and breakfast was just a slab. When I came out at 10am on Thursday most of the 1st floor walls were done and when I came back at 3:30 ALL of the first floor walls were up and braced off. They will be rolling floor joist and sheeting the walls in the next day or two and when I make it back on Tuesday of next week I fully expect to see a second story. I have some neat things planned for pictures. I have marked a number of specific spots around the different sites so I can take the same picture every time. I am planning on putting it into sort of a time lapse slide show so we can watch the place being build before our eyes.

Up at the bingo pavilion the pier points are being poured day and night. They are over half way done with the 150+ points. This takes a little time to dig, lay rebar, and fill each one with concrete. We are already talking about the upcoming slab pour. They are planning doing the pours during the middle of the night. (Those are going to be VERY LONG nights) The plan is to do it in two or three sections. There is going to be a string of cement trucks traveling to the site on those nights. It will be very exciting.

We made the news a bunch this week. It seems that everyone is beginning to catch the Country Crossing bug. Please keep spreading the word about this blog and stay tuned for more excitement!

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