Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Labeled aerial view UPDATE

I had a number of request for some labels so we can see what is going in on the north section of the property. The north section is where phase one is being focused. Keep in mind that the south section is even bigger. Country Crossing is going to be HUGE!

I had a good chat today with Randy Robinson who is the Supervisor for Specialized Services, Inc. out of West Point, GA. They are the one's that are doing all of the site prep ie. moving dirt. I commented that they have moved a bunch of dirt quickly and he said, 'you haven't seen anything yet.' Specialized is used to doing HUGE projects like the Kia plant. He said that there is a ton of going on. The basic elivation grade is about finished and they are going to start in on the utilities. Randy also pointed out that I needed to shift a couple of my labels to get them a little more accurate. Thank you Randy. So here is version 2.0. I also got some pictures of the site plans for phase one and the whole project. I will get those up in the next little while.


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