Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pier ponts EVERYWHERE!

They have been working like Crazy on all of the pier points. I was told that they worked straight through the weekend to make up for the days that the rain slowed things down. I counted about 25 people working very hard all over the pad. There are over 150 points in the bingo building and they are getting pretty close to getting them all done. You have to remember that these are not a quick one step, dig a hole and fill it with cement, process. The rebar cage is set and bolts are put in place, cement poured, cement dried, more rebar and forms go in, more cement........ And all of this has to be done in an exact location and exactly level. You would be AMAZED at how huge the stack of invoices are just from cement deliveries and the big slab pour is still aways off. The next big thing that we will see is structural steel being placed. That will be great we will see a massive building spring up rather quickly.

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