Saturday, June 27, 2009

Progress 6/25/09

I apologize. This week has been plagued with technical difficulties and it has been very hard to get these blog posts updated. I believe that I have all of the bugs (and equipment) have been worked out and am back on track. So much has been accomplished since my last full progress post. I will start at the bottom of the hill at Possum Holler Bed & Breakfast. The most exciting thing to me is that the roof is visible ALL the way out at the road. As you drive by please don't look to hard for it, I don't want to cause any accidents from rubberneckers. All joking aside, please do be careful. Anyway, the roof is up and they are working on building and putting plywood on the last slope, as of Thursday when I was there. On the inside most of the 'pick-up' work (this is all of the fire blocking and Sheetrock backing, fireplace boxes, etc.) is about finished. Before we know it we are going to have a roof on, windows set, and plumbers, electricians, and other tradesmen working hard on the inside.

Up the hill at the Bingo complex they are sweating their tails off out in the blazing sun. They are working extremely hard and most of the foundation work is complete. The footer wall now wraps around from the back, along the sides and they are working along the front of the building. It is hard for me to show in a blog and pictures how much work goes on at this sight because it is all undergroung, and some what tedious work. But, they are working fast and hard, and before we know it there is going to be steel being erected. Then things will get really fun to watch!

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