Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Country Crossings creates indirect jobs

As they keep making steady progress out at the site, even through heavy rain storms, jobs are being created. Here is a link to a great article about jobs out on the site:

These are direct jobs that have people working out on the site. There have been others, like steel and lumber suppliers, that have benefited indirectly from Country Crossing.
Today we see a whole new category developing. As far as I know, the first true indirect jobs have been created in response to building Country Crossing. Jackson and Ronda, the owners of the The BBQ Shack out on Brannon Stand Road, saw that all of the construction workers really had no place to go get a good hot meal on their 1/2 hour lunch break. From this the idea of The BBQ Shack Cafeteria was born, and is located directly across the highway from the entrance to the Country Crossing Site, next to the fireworks stand. This new location now employs 6 people to serve great home style food to the hungry workers and anyone looking for a good meal on the south side of town. They are open from 10am-2pm Monday-Saturday. They are positioning themselves so as the number of workers and demand grows they can expand their hours and provide dinner for later shifts. They are serving the food cafeteria style with a couple choices of meat, vegetables, salad, desert, and drinks. I am told that besides the fantastic food the best part about the The BBQ Shack Cafeteria is the AC runs cold and is very refreshing on these hot summer days.

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