Friday, July 17, 2009

Progress picking up on site


Even the 10 inches of rain that they got on site over the last week could not stop progress. The ground got soft and the trucks bogged down but the work has continued to move forward. Things are starting to move along at a very fast pace on the Country Crossing site as they add more equipment and many more workers to the project. I was surprised by all of the additional equipment that has been brought to the site in the last week. The sewer system is being installed, the RV Park is being surveyed and the main sewer drains moved into place, the amphitheater is being graded and is starting to take shape, the out parcel plats are being graded........... Some of the most exciting news is that the work force on site everyday has grown to around the 100 persons mark. Think of all of the jobs that we are creating!

AND I have not even begun to talk about progress at Possum Holler Bed and Breakfast, and the Bingo Pavilion.

Down in the Holler things are moving right along. The roofers are installing the shingles, the HVAC crew has the main AC trunks installed and are working hard, the plumbers are getting the job done, the bed and breakfast looks like a beehive of activity with all of the workers moving the project along.

On top of the hill the steel is going up and anyone can see that a HUGE building is taking shape. I apologize for my lack of knowledge of the terminology when it comes to steel construction so I will do my best to describe all that is happening. When I got there I was excited to see that one of the main 'ribs' that support the roof has stretched the whole length of the building and that about 1/3 of the building already has the top sheeting on it. It is really neat to see the peaks of the front facade and how big this building is going to be.

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