Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Progress 8/25/09

First of all I have to thank Chris for helping me out and taking this set of pictures for me. We have had some personal issues come of so we could not make it out to the site and Chris stepped up and helped out. Thank you.

Amazing things are happening on the Country Crossing site. I am going to start out with a few random pictures that don't usually make it into this blog. These are pictures of: the RV park, the new access road to the other part of the property, the grass that was just delivered, etc. Enjoy.

The Bingo pavilion looks like a whole new building. It's exterior is wrapped and the interior walls are going in. The amount of different trades continue to increase as well as the progress. It is truely a beehive of activity out there.

The Bed and Breakfast looks more beautiful then ever. The fire places have been installed. The siding is nearly finished. The kitchen is getting prepped for the appliances. The sheet rock is all but finished. WOW, it looks good.

Now for something new. The waste water facility is well underway. Here are a few pictures.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

8-21-09 Busy Busy Busy

It was so busy today at Country Crossing that between the huge dump trucks running around every where, and the bingo pavilion getting the rest of the cement poured, it was hard to get close and get good pictures. Next week will bring some good ones. As the pictures show the exterior is going up. On the right half of the building there is plywood and vapor wrap up. Inside the big focus has been getting all of the floors poured. Now that the floors are pour, starting next week we will see more trades then ever hard at work, which means more jobs! Country Crossing is already making an big impact on our local economy. It is hard to imagine what the impact will be at the end of phase one, and even more so when phases two and three are complete.

I love to see what quality of a place that Country Crossing is and will be. This is definately not a fly-by-night half hearted effort. No where is that more obvoius then when you go down the hill and see how beautiful Possum Holler Bed and Breakfast. It is breathtaking inside and out. Everything from the copper details on the outside to the state-of- the-art kitchen that will serve all of the delicious food to the guests. Everything about the bed and breakfast says country class (just like the name sake). The sheet rock up stairs is taped and finished. Downstairs the sheet rock is up and moving right along. Outside the siding is going up and we are staring to see the details that will make this a world class facility.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The bingo pavillion has a floor!

The progress at the bingo pavilion is staggering! They have poured the concrete floor in half of the building. The external walls are up all the way around the building and they are putting plywood up on the the outside. There are about 5 different trades hard at work all over the place and honestly the progress is amazing.

Down at Possum Holler Bed & Breakfast all of the sheet rock is installed and taped upstairs. Now that the sheet rock is all in you can see how spacious these guest rooms and bathrooms are. When you stay at the B&B you will be staying in comfort. The fireplace has all of the stone on it and looks beautiful. One of the best features of the Bed and Breakfast is the back porch. The walls are all covered with rock and the fireplace is massive. We can already picture ourselves sitting on the rocking chairs, drinking lemon-aid, looking out at the woods.

We even got a sneak peak of the logo's for all of the restaurants and will try to get permission to post them soon.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The exterior walls of the bingo pavilion are up. They used metal studs and already the entire building is taking shape even the windows are boxed in.

Down at the bed and breakfast its all about the "rock". The rock around the outside of the building is up, the rock is going up on the fireplace in the Greatroom, AND the sheet"rock" is being put on the walls. The crew is also starting to put the siding on the exterior.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


We still are very much on schedule for our December 1st grand opening date. Things are happening faster and faster and more and more workers are on the site everyday.

At Possum Holler Bed and Breakfast the electrical and plumbing is pretty much all done. The insulation is being put into the walls. The Sheetrock has been delivered and is getting installed. The outside rock is on and the siding will start on Monday.

At the Bingo pavilion I was amazed at the number of bodies that where all under the roof. Speaking of roofs, the pavilion is all covered. They are finishing the knee wall around the perimeter of the building and the exterior walls are being put in.

They are moving dirt everywhere. The amphitheater is really taking shape and water treatment facility has been started. They will be putting in roadways and even start getting the major landscaping in the next couple of weeks.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The beehive of activity is really picking up momentum. It is hard to look in any direction on the site and not see work getting done. It amazes me that every time I go out there is more heavy equipment grading, putting in sewer, and doing other site prep. There is literally equipment and work being done everywhere.

At the Bingo Pavilion the roof is completely covered and there are workers everywhere! Everything from electricians, HVAC, plumbing, welding, block layers.. I counted at least 100 workers going strong while I was there.

At the bed and breakfast the stone on the outside looks fantastic! The sheet rock was being delivered and there was at least 40 working to get the job done.

I am sorry that my descriptions are terribly weak today. My normal pictures, were kind of rushed due to the fact that Randy Owen was on site, so I didn't take time to look at what exactly was being done.

You never know who you are going to run into at Country Crossing

Last Thursday, representatives from a number of national and local media outlets, along with a group of city and county leaders met at the Dothan Chamber of Commerce. This media event filled a number of purposes and was highlighted by a fantastic lunch of Lorrie Morgans Hot Chicken. After lunch a group including Ronnie Gilley, George and Nancy Jones, and some from the national media including GAC, Country Weekly, Inside Music Row, Fox 17 (Nashville) and Billboard Magazine all headed down to the Country Crossing site to check out the progress.

These Photos in this slide show are courtesy of Moseley Studios. *All pictures Copyright © 2009 Moseley Studios LLC, All Rights Reserved*

Today while I was on site Ronnie pulled up. As I went over to the SUV the passenger window rolled down and it was none other then Randy Owen from "Alabama." After Ronnie introduced us and told Randy that I do a blog showing the progress at Country Crossing, Randy asked us to gather the workers that were working on Possum Holler Bed and Breakfast so he could shake hands and take some pictures. I do have to say that Randy was extremely gracious and he made the day for a group of hard working, and sweaty construction workers. A number of them asked me afterward if they could get a copy of the pictures. After they visited at the Bed and Breakfast they went up the hill to the Bingo pavilion where again they got out and shook hands with the workers.

It just goes to show... Country Crossing is not even open yet and you still never know who you are going to meet. December 1st can't get here fast enough!