Sunday, August 23, 2009

8-21-09 Busy Busy Busy

It was so busy today at Country Crossing that between the huge dump trucks running around every where, and the bingo pavilion getting the rest of the cement poured, it was hard to get close and get good pictures. Next week will bring some good ones. As the pictures show the exterior is going up. On the right half of the building there is plywood and vapor wrap up. Inside the big focus has been getting all of the floors poured. Now that the floors are pour, starting next week we will see more trades then ever hard at work, which means more jobs! Country Crossing is already making an big impact on our local economy. It is hard to imagine what the impact will be at the end of phase one, and even more so when phases two and three are complete.

I love to see what quality of a place that Country Crossing is and will be. This is definately not a fly-by-night half hearted effort. No where is that more obvoius then when you go down the hill and see how beautiful Possum Holler Bed and Breakfast. It is breathtaking inside and out. Everything from the copper details on the outside to the state-of- the-art kitchen that will serve all of the delicious food to the guests. Everything about the bed and breakfast says country class (just like the name sake). The sheet rock up stairs is taped and finished. Downstairs the sheet rock is up and moving right along. Outside the siding is going up and we are staring to see the details that will make this a world class facility.

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