Friday, September 25, 2009

Possum Holler gets some color and cabinets

I know that I have mentioned this before but, the Bed and Breakfast is going to be beautiful! As one pulls up now the main thing that pops is all of the copper highlights. On all of the lower roofs and above the windows is copper that is going to get more and more beautiful as it patinas and ages. Inside the tile work is about done in the bathrooms aroundall of the showers. The painters are painting all of the trim work and in the alcoves and areas where there is cabinetry is going they have painted the wall color so we can see all of the soothing earth tones that are going to be on the walls. I was suprized to see that the AMAZING cabinetry is in. The book cases that line the hallway along the upstairs room are wonderful. All if the wood and the warm earth tones on the walls are going to lend to a very cozy and comfortable stay at the Bed and Breakfast.

While I am down at the lower part of the Country Crossing property I have to mention the water tratment plant. An amazing amount of progress has taken place and the work, and the welding is really getting done. The massive main tank has risen from a slab last week to any enormis divided tank that stands about 25ft tall. They have also begun to prep another wall pour in the rear of the tank.

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