Saturday, October 31, 2009

Progress as of 10-31

Happy Halloween to all. I was very impressed with the amount of labor that was out on the site even in the weather and on this holiday. Everything continues to keep progressing and moving forward.

The Possum Holler Bed and Breakfast is getting very close. About 95% of the flooring is in throughout the building. The tile and the hardwood floors are finished upstairs and very close downstairs. A lot of the finish items like towel bars and such are in. There is not much longer and we will start to see furnishings.

Around the property more and more grass and landscaping is going in and they are even beginning to set the lamp posts.

In the Bingo Pavilion the details are really starting to show through. Carpeting and furniture are being installed. This is going to look like a very classy place!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Rally at Country Crossing TODAY!!

Thank you to all of the city and county officials, community leader, workers and supporters who came out to the Country Crossing site today in support of the project. I hope our message was heard loud and clear that electronic bingo is legal and the citizens of this area are in overwhelming support of Country Crossing. I will post some pictures and a video of the rally as soon as the link is sent to me.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

progress as of 10-28

I am sorry for the delay in this blog post. Its has nothing to do with the amount of progress happening at Country Crossing. In fact I was very surprised see some things I was not expecting to see for a couple of more weeks.

The biggest surprise was that the carpet was being installed in the Bingo Pavilion!! I looks great and is going down REALLY fast. By the time I made this post they already have about a third of the floor done. The ceiling is completely finished in the right and center sections and I was told that the left section should be done by Friday. The bathrooms have the stall dividers in and now that all the fixtures are in the main project remaining is to finish the ceilings. All of the restaurants are making steady progress and after looking at the menus that are listed on I am ready for some really good food.

The Possum Holler Bed & Breakfast is finally hooked up to its main power and the elevator is installed. All of the carpet is now in and now they can install all of the beautiful hardwood floors.

The Left hand restroom and concessions are are up and I expect to see trusses on them when I go back on Friday. The Right hand restrooms and the box office are progressing and are well underway. The pad for the main stage has been graded and they are looking for a couple of dry days in a row to get the foundation poured for the stage.

My hats off to all of the crews out breaking their backs to get this project finished on schedule. I was told that many workers are staying until the wee hours of the morning to complete projects when the window of opportunity is there. THANK YOU!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Progress as of 10-24

The Bingo Pavilion continues to surprise me with how much progress can happen in such a short amount of time. All of the restaurants are drywalled, have their exhaust hoods, refrigerators, and are are getting to ceiling grid installed or already installed. In the main room the ceiling tiles are up in the center and the right sections and the left side is being gridded. The back area really surprised me. They have cabinet in in many of the offices, the ceilings are done, and even have carpet in in some areas.

The Possum Holler Bed & Breakfast continues to look more and more finished. They are installing the elevator and carpets right now. For the upstairs rooms all that is left is to install to lights and cover trim. Next week the carpet will be installed in the downstairs room and once that is done the hard wood floors will be installed.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New aerial photos!

I was amazed at how different the Country Crossing site looks from the air. I could clearly see it and all of the progress while we were still miles out. It also occurred to me again that this is only the beginning and really a small portion of what this project is going to become over the next 7 years. So much has happened above and below the ground in the last 127 days. You have to remember that when the last photos were taken some of the grading had taken place, the first floor of Possum Holler Bed & Breakfast was built, and the Bingo Pavilion was just a series of footers. At that point NONE of the infrastructure (sewer, water, electrical) had been started. Back then 75 people working on the project was a good day.

This picture was taken on June, 16th 2009

Today 10-22-09

So much has happened below the ground; water, sewer, electrical, fire hydrents, ....; to the point that now they can layout parking lots and landscaping. All of the buildings that are going to be open for the first phase are underway. And now it is not unusual to have well over 400 people busy at work EVERYDAY. I also know that within the next 2 weeks there are going to be 100's of permanent positions filled so that the Grand Opening can take place on December 1st. What I have been told is literally hundreds of people showed up yesterday, for the first of three days of applications and interviews for the new positions. Everyone is getting very excited for the fun that is about to take place not to mention the economic impact to the region.

Here is a slide show of a bunch of the pictures taken on todays flight. Enjoy and I will see you in 40 days!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Progress as of 10-19-09

The ground is starting to dry out and the heat has finally decided to let up for the season. With the forecast calling for dry weather for the next week the plan is to get roads down and landscaping in. After an island is made (curbing all the way around an area)they put in the trees and other landscaping and lay the sod. The first dozen trees were planted today and it really makes the boulevard look nice. Now that they ground has firmed back up the pads are really going down fast at the RV Park.

The Amphitheater is also moving along. The two center stairways are in and they are laying sod in the flat areas. Down where the stage is going to go in they are putting in the storm drainage system. The left hand bathrooms have a slab and the block walls are going in. While the right hand bathroom plumbing is almost in. The ticket booth has its footers poured. Is anyone ready for the first concert to be announced in December 2009?.......

At the Bingo pavilion I could really see the different sections of that huge building taking shape. Each area will have a different facade while coming together in a really nice theme. All of the different restaurant areas have their refrigeration and exhaust hoods installed. As always there is workers everywhere doing all aspects of construction but I noticed that the main work is being done on the ceilings in the ceiling grid. The security cameras (there are cameras about every 30 feet in the ceiling) are being put in. Along with sound, lights, sprinkler system,...... There is a lot that goes into the ceiling of a place like this that you would never know about.

The Possum Holler Bed & Breakfast continues to get more beautiful everyday. I had a good talk with Blair (he and his wife were going to become the managers at the Bed & Breakfast) today. You can see it in his eyes that he is sad to know that he is not going to be living in and running that beautiful facility. But he also said that he will do what ever is asked of him to make Country Crossing a huge success. He has become such a vital member of the construction team that it was decided that he needs to stay working in that capacity. Thank you for being such a team player and your willingness to put the project first.
In the Bed & Breakfast things are really starting to finish up. The paint is all but finished, the tile is in and grouted, and the last of the stone counter tops were being put in today. The kitchen got all of the beautiful stainless steel appliances delivered today. I even noticed that the tack strip was in a number of rooms so I am sure that we will see carpet in the next day or two.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Progress as of 10-15-09

I know that everyone feels like we have had enough rain for awhile, but never the less there were 400+ workers out today getting the job done. To these hard working men and women I salute you. I was out there for an hour and I was sick of the mud. However, except for the mud, everything is still moving right along out at the Country Crossing site.
In the Bingo pavilion all of the sheet rock is up in the main room and paint is going on the walls and grid on the ceiling. In all of the gestural the giant refrigerators were installed over the weekend. The bathroom on the left side of the building got tiled and all of the restaurants are starting to take shape as stages and serving areas are going in.

Around the property, yes the ground was soft but work continued to move forward. The curbing crews were out in force, trees were being delivered, more sod has been laid, and more RV spaces have been poured. I even noticed that the footers for the ticket booth at the amphitheater have been dug.

At the Possum Holler Bed & Breakfast the kitchen and laundry area was getting tiled and the bathroom tile was finished. The painters where putting the finishing touches on the trim work and getting the final coat of paint on the walls.

Hopefully the next few week will prove to be drier and the rest of the paving and the landscaping can go in.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I know that I usually focus on the construction aspect of Country Crossing but, with less then 50 days until it is opened it is time to start hiring people. The job openings can be found at:

Some of the 42 current job title available include: marketing manger, surveillance, bartender, cook, server, cashier, etc. When you sign in you can post your resume online. More jobs are listed all of the time. So check back often. I am exciting that the hiring has begun and look forward to many many more job opening in the future.

Monday, October 12, 2009

51 days to go!

The progress continues to roll forward. I only got a quick stop out at the site over the weekend so this is going to be just a quick overview of the latest happenings all across the Country Crossing site.

The Possum Holler Bed & Breakfast continues to get the finishing touches done. The final coat of paint is going on most of the downstairs. All of the iron railings have been installed. The tile work is almost complete. The shower door have been installed. I spoke briefly with Blair and Ms. Cher, who have been hired to run the bed and breakfast, and they said that their house is starting to fill up with curtains, bedding, etc... All the stuff that they hope to shortly be able to move into the Bed & Breakfast and give it the real feel of home.

Parking lots continued to get paved, curbing put in, and where they can the sod is going down. This was the first time that I was able to drive through the main entrance and not the construction entrance. Very shortly a good portion of the roads will be pave which will cut down on the headaches that happens when it rains and the ground turns into a mud pit.

The biggest surprise for me was the amount of drywall that has been hung in the bingo hall in the last few days. When I was in a couple of days ago the right hand side of the main room of the Bingo Pavilion was covered but the left hand side was still mostly exposed metal studs. When I stopped by over the weekend I was amazed to see that the entire left hand side was now covered. The other big new item was the decorative crown piece that was being installed on the front of the building. It is details like this that will make this a world class facility that will attract national attention.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Progress can be seen EVERYWHERE up on the hill

At between 350-400 workers on site, no matter where you look something is going on. Sod, curbing, asphalt, grading.....

Inside of the Bingo Pavilion they are literally at every stage of construction From prepping slabs back on the loading dock to finish painting and laying tile it is all getting simultaneously to accomplish the Dec.1st goal.

Stay tuned! We will be hearing announcements for the schedule for the December concerts very soon. Can you see your spot on the grass?!?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Country Crossing video progress as of 10-8-09

How much progress can 400 workers make in one day?!? The answer is a whole heck of a lot. I was amazed at how much curbing and asphalt has gone down. Acres of sod has been laid. Walls painted, granite counter tops installed, tiled installed. Windows installed and siding put on... Only 54 days until the big grand opening. It will be a crazy pace but we believe it can be done.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Possum Holler B&B and RV park moving forward

With 56 days remaining the finishing touches are beginning to be seen at the Bed & Breakfast. Fans and light fixtures have been installed. The final coat of paint has been put on upstairs. The tile is being installed in the bathrooms and the amazing glass shower doors are being installed....

They are working through the mud and pouring 8 more RV pads today. With 70+ spots they are going to be busy for the next couple of weeks.