Monday, October 19, 2009

Progress as of 10-19-09

The ground is starting to dry out and the heat has finally decided to let up for the season. With the forecast calling for dry weather for the next week the plan is to get roads down and landscaping in. After an island is made (curbing all the way around an area)they put in the trees and other landscaping and lay the sod. The first dozen trees were planted today and it really makes the boulevard look nice. Now that they ground has firmed back up the pads are really going down fast at the RV Park.

The Amphitheater is also moving along. The two center stairways are in and they are laying sod in the flat areas. Down where the stage is going to go in they are putting in the storm drainage system. The left hand bathrooms have a slab and the block walls are going in. While the right hand bathroom plumbing is almost in. The ticket booth has its footers poured. Is anyone ready for the first concert to be announced in December 2009?.......

At the Bingo pavilion I could really see the different sections of that huge building taking shape. Each area will have a different facade while coming together in a really nice theme. All of the different restaurant areas have their refrigeration and exhaust hoods installed. As always there is workers everywhere doing all aspects of construction but I noticed that the main work is being done on the ceilings in the ceiling grid. The security cameras (there are cameras about every 30 feet in the ceiling) are being put in. Along with sound, lights, sprinkler system,...... There is a lot that goes into the ceiling of a place like this that you would never know about.

The Possum Holler Bed & Breakfast continues to get more beautiful everyday. I had a good talk with Blair (he and his wife were going to become the managers at the Bed & Breakfast) today. You can see it in his eyes that he is sad to know that he is not going to be living in and running that beautiful facility. But he also said that he will do what ever is asked of him to make Country Crossing a huge success. He has become such a vital member of the construction team that it was decided that he needs to stay working in that capacity. Thank you for being such a team player and your willingness to put the project first.
In the Bed & Breakfast things are really starting to finish up. The paint is all but finished, the tile is in and grouted, and the last of the stone counter tops were being put in today. The kitchen got all of the beautiful stainless steel appliances delivered today. I even noticed that the tack strip was in a number of rooms so I am sure that we will see carpet in the next day or two.

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