Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope that everyone is having a very enjoyable day today. I took some pictures yesterday of the site. With only a handful of days left the detail keep coming to make this project complete.

All around the property there are landscaping teams working feverishly to get it all covered and looking great. Others are cleaning and still others are getting all of the safety signage up.

All of the restaurants in the Bingo Pavilion are really starting to look like a finish venues. They all have decorations on the wall and furniture on hand. While some have the furniture in place the other are just waiting for the final cleaning of the floors before they can be set up.

Down at Possum Holler Bed & Breakfast is all about landscaping and finishing the decorating inside. They have a bunch more George Jones art work to go on the walls that will make this a truly unique place to stay.

I have been told Friday is going to be a huge day because much of the staff gets to take control of the offices and more training will take place on site.

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