Monday, November 16, 2009

Progress as of 11-16-09

The days are ticking by fast and the work is getting done. I have a feeling that some of the projects are going to go down to the wire but there is no doubt in my mind that Country Crossing will be open for business in December. There have been loads of trees brought in and so many have been planted. The parking and street lights look great and they have done a fabulous job on lighting the trees on the boulevard and other areas. The signs are going up and soon we will see event announcements on the sign/billboard that is right on 231. The sewer treatment plant looks like it is ready to get powered up and do what it is made to do. Even the Amphitheater has come a LONG way in the last couple of days. The left hand building is getting shingled, the siding is going on, and the brick is almost finished. The right hand building has a roof on and they were beginning to prep it to start putting bricks on it. Even the Ticket office now has trusses and you can see were the fence and the entrance will be. This is all very exciting. I am constantly getting questions from people as far away on the west coast that are looking forward to coming out and visiting us in Houston County Alabama.

In the Bingo pavilion the restaurant's are getting closer and closer. Granite counter tops are being installed and finish trim is going up. I know that there are many people that have recently been hired that are itching to get in there and get things set up to serve some fantastic food. There is constant work on the networking of computers and setting up monitors and displays. The Main Bingo floor is beginning to take shape as the opening date draws near. Most of the structural work is complete and now it is down to finishing and setting up all of the networks and systems that disappear behind the scenes.

The Bed and Breakfast is getting so close. Yet at the same time there is a huge amount of finishing details that need to take place. Today the cleaning crew was hard at work getting things squeaky clean while others were putting up blinds and installing closet doors. In the next couple of days we will see parking areas put in, patios and walkways poured, and then we get to see landscaping go in.

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