Thursday, November 19, 2009

Progress as of 11-18-09

As each of the venues get closer to winding up the landscaping and plantings are ramping up. There are several parking areas that are now complete with grassy islands and trees, lines painted, and lights up. Even down in the RV park the areas in between the pads are getting grass and trees planted now.

The Bingo Pavilion continues to move forward and will be ready in less then 2 WEEKS! It was really neat to walk into the building and hear music through the PA system and the techs were doing PA checks in the different areas. The restaurants have the finish trim up, they continue to get the food service equiptment ready, and are even getting the TV's up.

The Bed and Breakfast now has a roadway around it so they can finish the walkways and get the landscaping in. The new manager has been hired and they are busily working on setting up the website and booking systems.

The stage at the Amphitheater is HUGE! It is looking so good and I can't believe how fast it is going up. The concession/bathrooms are bricked and roofed and they are working on all of the internal systems. You can also see all of the post points for the entryway and front wall. Our little "train station" is getting national attention already. In just over 3 weeks we will be getting together to enjoy our first of MANY MANY concerts.

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