Friday, November 20, 2009

Major milestone today for Country Crossing

Houston Economic Development Association (HEDA)The non-profit that is running the Bingo portion of Country Crossing had a major day today. 241 members of the newly hired staff met today to fill out their employee information and begin training for their new positions. While some of the leadership has been working for a little while now today was the first official day of work for the majority of the staff. Next week they will continue training in preparation for the opening of the facility on December first. All that were in attendance were very excited and thankful for their new jobs. Karen D. Head of HR for HEDA told the group, "you are the cream of the crop. I have had to send out over 23,000 denial letter and you are the ones that we have chosen to fill these positions." This is a big step for Country Crossing but it represents only a portion of the over 6000 jobs that will be created over the next 5 years.

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